Page 46 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 46

44                                         TAN JING YING

          Tell us what sparked              technologies, new materials and new
          your interest in the built        methods of construction. It is more crucial
                                            now than ever to ensure that building
          environment industry.             safety is not compromised in our drive for
          Seeing our city’s skyline change as Singapore   productivity and sustainability.
          developed over the years has allowed me to
          appreciate the value of the work done by   How do you aim to contribute
          many professionals in the Built Environment   to BCA and the industry in the
          sector. It is really thanks to them that we
          have our Singapore today. It was certainly   future?
          not an easy feat in a land-scarce country; we   I look forward to applying my knowledge
          are now building higher towards the sky and   and learning experience to work with my
          deeper into the ground. This appreciation   colleagues in reviewing BCA’s policies and
          kindled my interest to fi nd out how theoretical   regulations to enhance the robustness of
          knowledge could be applied to shape our   Singapore’s building control regulatory   BCA Local Undergraduate Scholarship
          physical landscape, overcome structural   framework. With the advent of new   Tan Jing Ying
          challenges and achieve architectural dreams,   methods of construction and innovative
          such as the famed SkyPark of Marina Bay   materials, it is important to ensure that our   Age
          Sands and the dome structure of National   building control regulations are up to date   24
          Stadium.                          with the latest developments of the built
                                            environment industry.               Attained
          What convinced you to sign up                                         Bachelor of Engineering,
                                                                                Civil Engineering,
          for the BCA Scholarship?          I am also keen to work on the many   Nanyang Technological University
                                            challenging and exciting projects in BCA, such
          For an industry to advance, the active   as the development and implementation
          participation and cooperation of all industry   of an automatic building plan checker.   Now
          players is required. However, this would   I especially hope that my efforts and   Engineer,
          not be possible without an effective policy   contributions to these projects would go   Arup Singapore Pte Ltd
          to align the vision and objectives of all   a long way in enhancing building safety in   (current attachment)
          stakeholders.                     Singapore.
          As the regulator of the Built Environment                             Anderson Junior College
          industry, BCA plays a key role and is the   Share with us your previous   (now known as Anderson Serangoon
          driver of change, with every decision and   and current job scope.    Junior College)
          policy having a profound and long-term   I am currently on a short stint with Arup
          impact on the industry. In recognizing the   Singapore Pte Ltd, a building consultant in
          importance of BCA’s role, I signed up for   Singapore. My job scope involves assisting
          the BCA Scholarship in hope of pursuing a   in tender support and running ongoing
          dynamic and meaningful career, in which my   construction projects. The attachment with
          time and effort would contribute to shaping   Arup Singapore is an invaluable opportunity
          policies aimed at building a safe, high quality,   to gain design experience and better
          sustainable and friendly built environment.  understand the challenges faced on the
          What were your dreams
          when you decided to take up       Prior to this, I was posted to the Policy
          a BCA Scholarship? Have they      and Regulations Department (Building
          changed as you learned more       Engineering Group) of BCA. My work
          about the industry? Why?          structural plans approval and permit to
          When I  fi rst decided to take up BCA   commence work, reviewing policies and
          Scholarship, I wanted to apply my technical   building control regulations, and attending to
          knowledge and expertise to making sure   public enquiry and feedback. My stint at BCA
          buildings are safe for all in Singapore.   helped strengthen my technical competency,
                                            and provided exposure to the processes
                                            and considerations behind crafting and
          My aspirations were further reaffi rmed  as
          I learned more about the built environment   implementation of policies and regulations to
                                            move the industry forward.
          industry. As the industry develops, increasing
          emphasis is being placed on facets beyond
          building safety, including but not limited to
          construction productivity and sustainability.
          This transformation of the Built Environment
          industry involves the adoption of new
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