Page 49 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 49

TEOH LAI XING                                        47

                                                                                 path in his career. With the positive
                                                                                 experience during industrial internship, he
                                                                                 was effectively building a substantial head-
                                                                                 start early on which starts him off on a fi rm
                                                                                 footing. Lai Xing is thankful to both BCA and
                                                                                 Teambuild for providing ample opportunities
                                                                                 and resources to develop his potential. He
                                                                                 is excited in his journey ahead to play a
                                                                                 role in shaping of the Built Environment in

                                                                                   BCA-Teambuild Built Environment
                                                                                   Undergraduate Scholarship
                                                                                   Teoh Lai Xing

            involved the use of multiple innovations that   Project Manager as mentor to provide   30
            were new to the industry. From the use of   guidance and support. Leveraging the
            Building Information Modelling (BIM) during   knowledge of the mentors help the young   Attained
            the design phase to the use of Prefabricated   engineers learn through real life experiences   Bachelor of Engineering in Civil
            Bathroom Units (PBUs) and Prefabricated   of their seniors. The programme is structured   Engineering,
            Prefi nished  Volumetric  Construction  such that by the end of  fi rst year, the   Nanyang Technological University
            (PPVC). The project also adopted the use   mentees would have been through the entire
            of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly   process of a project, from the tender phase   Now
            (DfMA) Steel Link Bridges for its Multi-  to the actual construction as well as the   Senior Project Engineer,
            Storey Carparks as well as Mass Engineered   handing over phase. This programme also   Construction Unit
            Timber (MET) from Austria for its Resident’s   allows engineers from different teams to
            Committee Centre (RCC). It was a melting   have a platform to interact with one another   From
            pot of experience where Lai Xing was able   to share ideas and experiences.   Jurong Junior College
            to learn from and it provided him with the
            opportunity to be directly involved in the   With precast experience gained from
            transformative technologies that BCA has   his IO and the West Terra project, Lai
            been promoting through  the Construction   Xing continued to help establish work
            Industry Transformation Map (ITM). West   sequences for Prefabricated Prefi nished
            Terra @ Bukit Batok was later awarded   Volumetric Construction (PPVC) for his 2nd
            with BCA BIM Gold award in 2016 and HDB   and currently 3rd project. Lai Xing is also
            Construction Award in 2019.        currently expanding his horizon by taking
                                               up a Specialist Diploma in Virtual Design and
            While gaining hands-on experience on site is   Construction (SDVDC) with BCA Academy
            one of the best ways to learn, it could be a   in view of implementing and improving the
            long and arduous process as a project would   use of VDC on site. He has also been given
            normally take years to complete. Teambuild   a drone operator permit by Civil Aviation
            acknowledged that and established a Career   Authority of Singapore (CAAS) to be used for
            Mentorship Programme designed to equip   monitoring site activities.
            young engineers with useful skills in both
            technical and non-technical areas. Each new   The scholarship provided by BCA and
            engineer would be assigned an experienced   Teambuild has set Lai Xing on an accelerated
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