Page 52 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 52

50                                         Zacary Tan Jin Kiet

          Introduction                      How did you know you              Some parting words
          Hi, I am Zac! I took up the HDB scholarship   were making the right   As you begin to make decisions for your next
          and did my undergraduate studies at the   choice in taking up the HDB   phase of life, I urge you to consider what
          University of California, Berkeley where I                          you love, what you are good at and what
          crammed hard, had lots of fun and drank   Scholarship?              the world needs. If the betterment of public
          too much bubble tea. I am now working as   I knew that I liked buildings and design, I   housing for many of our fellow islanders
          an engineer at the Housing & Development   wanted to create things that had an impact   resonates with you, the HDB scholarship
          Board driving the creation of Smart Cities and   on people, and I itched to see more of the   will be a great stepping-stone in the journey
          still drinking lots of bubble tea.  world. At that point, an HDB scholarship   ahead!
                                            was a logical choice, and there have been no
          What did you get out of the       regrets since!
          If I was asked this question as an 18-year-  Being on a scholarship helps guide you in
          old, I would have said the main draw of a   selecting useful courses in school. However,
          scholarship was the chance to study and   this does not mean you need to follow a pre-
          experience life overseas. Looking back, the   set list of classes throughout your course of
          same motivation remains but now, the   study especially in the US universities where
          benefi ts of a scholarship are much clearer.   the liberal curriculum encourages students to
                                            explore disciplines outside their major. Besides
                                            engineering modules, I also took several
          The scholarship defi nitely provided me the   interesting modules that complemented my
          freedom to explore courses and internships   learning and training in engineering. Some
          during my university years, as well as   examples include Biomechanics (aren’t bones
          participate in more activities. For example,   the columns and beams of a body?) and
          in addition to Civil & Structural Engineering,   Architecture History (especially geeking out
          I also completed programmes in Sustainable   over the ancient engineering of pyramids,
          Design and Architecture.          pagodas and the Pantheon). Through these
                                            explorations, I honed my strengths and   HDB Undergraduate Scholarship
                                            passions, becoming more certain in my
          Studying overseas also broadened my                                   Zacary Tan Jin Kiet
          worldview. I encountered many viewpoints   choices.
          from people of varied backgrounds, and in                             Age
          turn, better appreciated the quirks and values   What do you do now?   27
          – Singaporean-isms – that defi ne me. As it   I am currently working at HDB’s Building
          turns out, kiasu-ness is a universal trait. In   & Research Institute, which looks at   Attained
          addition to expanding my interpersonal and   applying exciting R&D and innovative   Civil Engineering,
          academic horizons, studying overseas also   technology in HDB towns to drive liveability,   University of California (Berkeley)
          gave me a glimpse into the inner workings   sustainability and productivity. For instance,
          of other societies. For example, I saw the   we look at new renewable energy sources,   Now
          positive and negative effects of various public   advanced construction materials, robotics,   Senior Engineer
          housing programmes in the United States   sociobehavioural studies, data analytics and   Building & Research Institute
          (US). This exposed me to new possibilities   artifi cial intelligence. Personally, I am looking
          that Singapore can strive towards to and   at the development of Smart HDB Towns.   From
          allowed me to better appreciate things we   This includes sensor deployment, developing   Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
          often take for granted.           analytics tools and introducing artifi cial
                                            intelligence in the optimization of estate
          Being on the scholarship programme meant   services such as lifts, lighting and solar panels.
          that I received lots of guidance from my   I even had the chance to visit China where I
          mentors and seniors. After all, they are   learned from smart city thought-leaders and
          individuals who have “been there and done   experienced their cutting-edge technology
          that”. Through them, I learned which were   fi rst hand.
          the more interesting classes to take and
          where to acquire second-hand textbooks. I   In separate projects, I also enjoy applying
          gained a better sense of the type of work that   engineering and architectural knowledge from
          I would do, and was able to choose the right   school in my research on passive cooling and
          courses and gained skills that I knew I could   phase change materials. One of the benefi ts
          use in the future. For instance, in California,   of HDB’s large and varied work is that I am
          the professors would teach us the importance   able to move across diverse functions and
          of drawing warm air into buildings in the   experience various types of projects. In the
          winter. A few years later, here I am at HDB,   coming years, I look forward to designing and
          fl ipping this principle on its head and doing   overseeing the construction of entire housing
          research on how to keep our  fl ats cool by   precincts from scratch, alongside other
          channelling warm air out.         planners, architects and engineers.
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