Page 53 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 53

SCHOLAR’S PROFILE                                        51

            Welcome                                                              What sparked your interest in
                                                                                 your course of study?
                                                                                 My family had many pets when I was
                                                                                 younger, including a dog, two budgies and
                                                                                 a few betta  fi sh. When a family has pets,
                                                                                 it's important for everyone to pitch in, so I
                                                                                 did my fair share to help take care of them.
            To The                                                               being around animals and interacting with
                                                                                 From this experience, I realised that I enjoyed
                                                                                 them, and started to consider becoming
                                                                                 a veterinarian. I began reading short
                                                                                 stories by James Herriot about the life of a
                                                                                 veterinarian working in rural practice. The
                                                                                 stories were particularly endearing, and
            Jungle                                                               the job of a veterinarian. I then spent time
                                                                                 made me even more interested to learn about

                                                                                 interning in veterinary clinics in Singapore,
                                                                                 getting experience in caring for animals,
                                                                                 understanding their basic healthcare needs,
                                                                                 and the role of a veterinarian.

            A LOVE FOR ANIMALS TOOK NPARKS                                       There is one defi ning memory that was
                                                                                 etched into my mind during my time as an
            UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP                                            intern. I was working in a clinic where the
                                                                                 veterinarian had formed a close relationship
            CANDIDATE SHAWN ON A JOURNEY INTO                                    with a family and their pet dog. Since it was
                                                                                 a puppy, the family had brought their pet
            VETERINARY AND WILDLIFE CARE.                                        into the clinic – for vaccines and check-ups,
                                                                                 sterilisation, when it was injured or ill, and
                                                                                 fi nally as it was succumbing to old age and
                                                                                 sickness. In its last hours, the veterinarian
                                                                                 had the privilege of ensuring the animal was
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