Page 42 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 42

40                                     SCHOLAR’S PROFILE

          In MND, we work hard as a team and also take the time to unwind and enjoy ourselves as a close-knit family. Here's Rachel (pictured far left), with
          her colleagues in MND's Strategic Planning Division at MND's Dinner & Entertainment Night 2019.

         Having The Right Edge

          MND EDGE                          and expectations of what it was like to work   What made you decide to
                                            in the fi eld of urban planning in Singapore.
                                                                              choose your course in your
          SCHOLAR RACHEL                    I took up the MND EDGE scholarship as I   university?
                                            found that policy work was where I could
          LIU YUNYANN                       tackle issues at the most fundamental level   I was interested in both architecture and social
                                            and thereby push for change. The scholarship
                                                                              issues, so urban studies seemed to be a good
          STEPS INTO THE                    also offered the opportunity of rotating   middle ground. The College of Architecture,
                                            within the family of MND agencies, which
                                                                              Art and Planning at Cornell University also
          WORLD OF URBAN                    was attractive because it provided fl exibility   had a very strong reputation.
                                            within this scope of work I was interested in.
          PLANNING AND                      Would you advise others to        What do you think set you

          REAL ESTATE IN                    take up a scholarship?            apart from the rest of the
                                                                              candidates applying for a
          SINGAPORE.                        It depends on your interest and fi t. My advice   scholarship?
                                            would be to be as informed as possible
                                            on what a commitment to this  fi eld  of   My experiences working in various companies
          Why did you choose the            work means; whether you’re interested in   in the architecture, urban planning and real
          scholarship?                      the intersection of the built environment   estate fi elds, allowed me to be more grounded
                                                                              and passionate about my choice of study
                                            and social and economic issues. If you’re
          After completing junior college and before   passionate about such matters and can see   and expectations about work. This likely
          starting university, I took a gap year during   yourself  fi nding  this  fi eld meaningful, then   distinguished me from other applicants and
          which I did a range of internships in the   the scholarship may be the right choice for   helped me to articulate how the scholarship
          architecture, urban planning and real estate   you.                 would be a good fi t for me.
          industries to better understand the fi eld. This
          helped me to more clearly defi ne my interests
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