Page 106 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 106

104                                        TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS

                                 ST Engineering    ST Engineering    Temasek   Trailblazer   Urban   Yayasan Mendaki
           Company /                Ltd       Ltd      Education   Foundation Ltd  Redevelopment
           Organisations                               Foundation            Authority  Mendaki
           Scholarship          ST Engineering   ST Engineering   Howe Yoon           Scholarship
           Website                Local and   (China)   Temasek   Chong PSA   URA     (University)
                                  Overseas   Scholarship  Education   Scholarships  Undergraduate
                                 Scholarship           Foundation   (Administered   Scholarship
                                    Sunburst   by HYC-PSA
                                   Scholarship   Scholarship
            Any Discipline                                                     *217
         Disciplines    & Courses  Preferred Disciplines  Aerospace,   Aerospace,   Eng SocialSc  Health & Life Sc,
                                                        Sc Tech
                                                                                       Med, Eng,
                                Land Systems &
                                 Marine related   Land Systems &                       Multimedia
                                           Marine related
                                   courses   courses                                    Design
            NUS, NTU                                  SMU SUTD SIT          SMU SUTD
         Tenable Universities  & Institutions  Polytechnics / Institutions  Chi UK US
            SMU, SUTD, SIT
            Renowned Overseas Universities
            Specific Countries

            No Bond
         Bond  Bond for Local Studies (yrs)  4 to 6  4 to 6                    4
            Bond for Overseas Studies (yrs)  4 to 6  4 to 6                    6
            Lump Sum ($)                                                                4K / yr
            Tuition Fees
            Exam Fees
            Hostel Fees                                up to $350
            Monthly Allowance ($)                        500        300
         Benefits and value of awards  Salary          up to 1.8K
            Yearly Allowance ($)
            One-Time Return Airfare (osea)
            Other Return Airfare (osea)
            Settling Allowance (osea)
            Excess Baggage (osea)
            Clothing Allowance (osea)
            Medical Insurance (osea)
            Book Allowance ($)                                     500 / yr
            Computer Loan / Grant ($)
            Attachment During Vacation
            Others               OEP, Masters  OEP, Masters
            Singapore Citizen                                                           Muslim
            Singapore PR                                                                Muslim
            Other Citizens
            Excellent ‘A’ Level/IB/NUS High                                           3 Dis / 37 pts
         Requirements & Conditions  Poly Dip Holders May Apply      Yr 1                Yr 1 only
            Excellent ‘O’ Level
                                                                                        5 Dis
            Excellent CCA
            Proven Leadership
            Undergrads May Apply
            Completed NS (Male)
                                  Passion for
                                            Passion for
                                                                 household PCI
                                 technology &   technology &    Below 25 yrs old,      Community
                                 engineering  engineering       $750/mth or less

             *217 Arch/Urban Design, Landscape Arch, Town/Urban Planning, Env Eng/Studies, Civil Eng,
               Econ, Est, Computer/Data Sc, Stat/Math, Info Sys Mgt, Geog
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