Page 107 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 107

TABLE OF SCHOLARSHIPS                                       105

             Notes to the Scholarship Tables (pages 76-116)
             These tables cover undergraduate scholarships only.  •  Students of NUS High School do not sit for ‘A’
                                                   levels or IB. Generally, scholarship providers
             •  The websites listed serve to provide more   accept NUS High diploma in lieu of ‘A’ levels or IB.
               information about the scholarship providers.
               They may or may not contain more information    •  The above tables serve as a general guide only.
               on the scholarships.                Information provided is current as at press time.
                                                   Terms, conditions and values of the scholarships
             •  Currency is in Singapore dollars unless    change frequently and students are advised to
               otherwise indicated.                refer to the scholarship providers’ websites or to
                                                   contact them for the latest details.
             Legend to Abbreviations used in the Tables
             Acc   -  Accountancy                GIP   -  Global Internship Programme  PCI   -  per capita income
             alw   -  allowance                  GPA   -  Grade Point Average         Pharm  -  Pharmacy
             AppSc  -  Applied Science           HR    -  Human Resource              Physio  -  Physiotherapy
             Arch   -  Architecture              IB    -  International Baccalaureate  Poly-FSI -  Polytechnic–Foreign
             Arts    -  Arts & Social Science    Ind   -  India                              Specialised Institution
             au   -  academic units (‘A’ levels)  Info   -  Information               pref   -  preferably, preferred
             Aus   -  Australia                  Int   -  International               prog   -  programme
             BCAA  -  BCA Academy                intern  -  internship                PSC   -  Public Service Commission
             Bio   -  Biochemistry, Biomedical,    IT   -  Information Technology     Psy   -  Psychology
                    Biotechnology, etc           ITE   -  Institute Of Technical Education  Qty   -  Quantity
             BizAd   -   Business Administration  Jap   -  Japan                      RP   -  Republic Polytechnic
             BizMgt  -  Business Management      JC    -  Junior College              Sc   -  Science
             Bldg   -  Building                  K     -  thousand (dollars)          sch   -  school
             Can    -  Canada                    Lang   -  Language                   sec   -  secondary
             Chem  -  Chemistry, Chemical        Math   -  Mathematics                SEP   -  student exchange programme
             Chi   -  China                      max   -  maximum                     SIT   -  Singapore Institute of Technology
             Comm  -  Communication              Mech  -  Mechanical                  SMU   -  Singapore Management University
             Cp   -  Computer/Computer-related courses  Mfg   -  Manufacturing        SUSS  -  Singapore University of Social Sciences
             Dent   -  Dentistry                 Med   -  Medicine                    Soc   -  Social Work, Sociology
             Dev   -  Development                Mgt   -  Management                  SocSc  -  Social Science
             Dip   -  Diploma                    min   -  minimum                     SP   -  Singapore Polytechnic
             Dis   -  Distinction                Mkt   -  Marketing                   Stat   -  Statistics
             Econ   -  Economics                 NESC  -  non-English speaking countries  Struct  -  Structural
             EEE   -  Electrical & Electronic Engineering  NP   -  Ngee Ann Polytechnic  SUTD  -  Singapore University of Technology &
             Elec   -  Electrical                NS    -  National Service                   Design
             Eng   -  Engineering                NTU   -  Nanyang Technological University  svc   -  service
             Env   -  Environment, Environmental  NUS   -  National University Of Singapore  Swe   -  Sweden
             equiv   -  equivalent               NYP   -  Nanyang Polytechnic         Sys   -  System
             Est   -  Estate Management, Real Estate  NZ   -  New Zealand             TCM   -  Traditional Chinese Medicine
             Eu   -  Europe                      Occ   -  Occupational Therapy        Tech   -  Technology
             Fin   -  Finance                    OCS   -  Officer Cadet School        Uni   -  University
             Fra   -  France                     OEP   -  overseas exchange programme  Vet   -  Veterinary Science
             Geog   -  Geography                 Ops   -  Operations                  yr   -   year
             Ger   -  Germany                    osea   -  overseas
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