Page 110 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 110

108                                        MID-TERM SCHOLARSHIPS

          Scholarship           Agency for   Agency for   Agency for   Agency for   Association of   Auditor-  Building and   Building and
          Company /             Science,   Science,   Science,   Science,   Singapore Marine   General’s    Construction   Construction
          Organisations         Technology   Technology   Technology and   Technology   Industries  Office   Authority   Authority
          Website               and Research   and Research   Research (A*STAR) and Research
                                (A*STAR)  (A*STAR)              (A*STAR)   ASMI Marine   AGO Auditing   BCA   iBuildSG
                                                     A*STAR                & Offshore   Service   Undergraduate   Undergraduate
                                National   National   Undergraduate   Research   Undergraduate   Scholarship   Scholarship  Scholarship /
                                Science   Science    Scholarship  Attachment   Scholarship  (Mid-Term)     Sponsorship
                                Scholarship  Scholarship        for Overseas   (Administered by   buildingcareers.
                                          (MBBS-PhD)  Singaporeans  NTU)  buildingcareers.

           Preferred Disciplines  BioSc Eng  Med     BioSc Eng  BioMed     Mech & Aero,  Acc    *7         *8
                                                                Sc Eng     Eng
           Tenable Universities /    Overseas  NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS, SMU,   A*STAR   NTU  NTU, NUS, SMU  NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS,
           Institutions                   Overseas   SUTD       Research                        SUTD, SIT  SUTD, SIT,
                                                                Institutes                                 BCAA
           Bond (yrs)           6         6          Nil        Nil        1          4         4          Min 2 yr
           Tenable Period (yrs)                                 Up to 6 mths
           Annual Value of Award (S$)  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  $800/mth  10K  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  10K to18K

          Scholarship           Centre for   Central Provident   Civil Aviation   Competition   Energy Market   Enterprise   Government   Health
          Company /             Strategic   Fund     Authority of   Commission of   Authority   Singapore  of Singapore   Promotion
          Organisations         Infocomm             Singapore  Singapore                       Investment Corp   Board
          Website               Technologies   CPF Board                   EMA        Enterprise   Pte Ltd
                                (CSIT)    Mid-Term   CAAS Mid-Term   CCS Mid-term   Undergraduate   Singapore   HPB
                                          Undergraduate   Scholarship   Scholarship  Scholarship  Global   GIC   Mid-Term
                                CSIT      Sponsorship  (Overseas/                     Executive   Scholarship   Scholarship
                                Undergraduate        (Local)  Scholarship:   Programmes  (Local /
                                Scholarship                              Mid-Term             Overseas)
                                Award                            Scholarship
           Preferred Disciplines  EEE, CompEng,  Any  All except Med   Econs, Law  Eng (Elec, Mech,   *14  Acc, Econ, Eng,   Any
                                CompSc, Maths,       & Dent                Chem, Env),          Sc, Maths &
                                InfoSys/Security                           Econ, Biz            Liberal Arts
           Tenable Universities /    Any local U  NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS, SMU  NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS,   Local and   NTU, NUS,
           Institutions                   SUTD       SMU, SUTD, SIT,       SUTD, SIT  SMU, SUTD, SIT  Overseas  SMU, SUTD,
                                                     SUSS, Overseas                                        Overseas
           Bond (yrs)            *9       *10        *11        *12        4 to 6     0.5 to 2  1 to 1.5   2 to 6
           Tenable Period (yrs)  3 to 4                         3 to 4     1 to 2               2
           Annual Value of Award (S$)  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw

          Scholarship           Housing &   Housing &   Info-   Inland Revenue   JTC Corporation  JurongHealth   JurongHealth   Khoo Teck Puat
          Company /             Development   Development   Communications   Authority of   Services  Services   Hospital
          Organisations         Board     Board      Media      Singapore  JTC Mid-Term
          Website                                    Development           Scholarship  Health Science   Nursing Award  Allied Health
                                HDB Mid-Term   HDB Mid-Term   Authority  IRAS Mid-Term   Award             Sponsorship
                                Undergraduate   Specialist      Scholarship         juronghealth
                                Scholarship  Scholarship  SG:D Scholarship            juronghealth

           Preferred Disciplines  *17     Arch, Eng (Civil/   *19  Acc Biz Econ   *21  *22      Nursing    *24
                                          Mech/Elec), Cp        IT Est Stat
                                          Eng/Cp Sc/Info Sys
           Tenable Universities /    Reputable   NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU, NUS,  NTU, NUS, SMU,   NTU, NUS, SMU,  NUS, SIT  NUS, SIT  NUS, SIT
           Institutions         Overseas/   SUTD     Overseas   Overseas   SUTD, SIT
                                Local U
           Bond (yrs)           *17^       *18       1 to 4     4 to 6     2          1 to 4    1 to 4     1 to 4
           Tenable Period (yrs)                      Min in final year  Up to 6  Up to 6
           Annual Value of Award (S$)  Fees & Alw  16.5K to 17K  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Alw  Alw  Alw

           *7   Arch (& Sustainable Design), Econ, Eng (Civil, Coastal, Structural, Elec, Mech, Systems &   *17  Arch/ Landscape Arch, Urban Planning, Eng (Civil/ Elec/ Mech), Econ, Soc/ Data
              Design), Bldg Svcs, Project & Facilities Mgt, Smart-City Mgt & Tech  Analytics/ Stat, Bldg/ Est, Cp Eng/ Cp Sc/ Info Sys, Comm & New Media, Acc
           *8   Arch, Eng (Civil, Elec, Env, Mech), Construction Mgt, Project & Facilities, Bldg Svcs, Arch &   *19   Sc, Technology, Eng and Maths (STEM) studies including Cp Sc / Biz and IT / Computational
              Sustainable Design, Eng Product Development, Real Estate  Biology / Financial Informatics / Info Security / Applied Sc & media-related courses
           *9 *10 *12                                           *21   Acc, Biz / Econ, Eng, Facilities Mgt, HR, Land Surveying, Mass Comm, Est, Quantity
              One year bond for every year of sponsorship          Surveying, Urban Planning & Design
           *11 *17^ *18                                         *22 * 24
              Pro-rated according to remaining years of study      Med Social Work, Pharm, Occ, Diagnostic Radiography, Physio
           *14  Exept Med, Pharm, Dent, Law, Arch, Music & Nursing
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