Page 111 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2019
P. 111

MID-TERM SCHOLARSHIPS                                            109

             Scholarship          Khoo Teck Puat   Land Transport   Land Transport   Maritime and   Ministry of   Ministry of   Ministry of   Ministry of
             Company /            Hospital   Authority  Authority  Port Authority of   Communications   Education   Education  Education
             Organisations                                         Singapore  and Information
             Website              Nursing    LTA Local/  LTA Local                      Education   MOE Teaching   MOE Teaching
                                  Sponsorship  Overseas   Study Award  The MPA   MCI Information   Merit   Scholarship   Award
                                             Undergraduate         Scholarship  Service Mid-Term  Scholarship
                          Scholarship        Scholarship /
                                                           MCI Information
                                                          Service Mid-Term

              Preferred Disciplines  Nursing  *26       Civil Eng EEE  *28     *29      Most teaching  Most teaching  Most teaching
                                                        MechEng                         subjects in JC  subjects in JC  subjects in JC
                                                                                        & sec sch  & sec sch  & sec sch
              Tenable Universities /    NUS, SIT  NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS  NTU, NUS,  NTU, NUS  NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS,
              Institutions                   SUTD, Overseas        SMU,       SMU       SMU, SUTD,   SMU, SUTD,    SMU, SUTD, SIT
                                                                   Overseas             SIT, Overseas  SIT, Overseas
              Bond (yrs)          2 to 4      *26^       *27        *28^      4 to 6     4 to 6     4 to 6    4
              Tenable Period (yrs)           3 to 4                           Not for final yr
              Annual Value of Award (S$)  Alw  Fees & Alw   Fees & 10.2K   Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw

             Scholarship          Ministry of   Ministry of   Ministry of   Ministry of Home   Monetary   MSIG Insurance   Nanyang   Nanyang
             Company /            Education   Health    Health     Affairs    Authority of   Singapore   Technological   Technological
             Organisations                                                    Singapore            University  University
             Website              MOE-AU     MOH        MOH Holdings *35   MHA Mid-Term   MSIG
                                  (Autonomous   Holdings *34       Scholarship  MAS Mid-Term   Scholarship  China Precision   CJ Koh
                                  University)           Healthcare            Undergraduate        Scholarship  Scholarship
                                  Scholarship  Mid-Term   Administration  Scholarship
                                             Healthcare   Scholarship                    
                          Scholarship  (HAS)    

              Preferred Disciplines  Any     *34^       Biz Acc Eng  All except Med,   All except Med,   *38  Any  Any
                                                        Sc (non-health)  Dent & Arch  Dent, Law, Arch
                                                                              & Pharm
              Tenable Universities /    NTU, NUS, SMU,   NUS, SIT,   NTU, NUS,   NTU, NUS, SMU,  NTU, NUS, SMU,  Any  NTU  NTU
              Institutions         SUTD      Overseas   SMU, SUSS,   Overseas  Overseas
                                                        SUTD, SIT
              Bond (yrs)           4 to 6    4 to 6      2 to 3     4 to 6     4         *38^      Nil        Nil
              Tenable Period (yrs)  Up to 4                         From 1st sem  4      From 2nd Sem  1      1
              Annual Value of Award (S$)  Fees & Alw  Fees & Alw   Fees & Alw   Fees & Alw   Fees & Alw   15K  3K  4K

             Scholarship          Nanyang    Nanyang    Nanyang    Nanyang    Nanyang   Nanyang    Nanyang    Nanyang
             Company /            Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological   Technological
             Organisations        University  University  University  University  University  University  University  University
                                  Columbia   Dr Derek &   Ernst and   Hee Chong   Hi-P   Indeco    Infineum   Isetan
                                  “Jireh”    Christina Goh   Young   Meo      International   Scholarship (1)  Singapore-  Foundation
                                  Scholarship  Scholarship  Scholarship  Scholarship  Limited      NTU School of   Scholarship
                                                                              Scholarship  Indeco Sports   Chemical and
                                Scholarship (2)  Biomedical

              Preferred Disciplines  *41     Acc Biz    Acc        Any        Acc Biz   For (1) : Civil / Elec   Chem   Acc Biz
                                                                                        / Mech Eng  Biomolecular
                                                                                        For (2) : Any  Eng / Bio Eng
              Tenable Universities /    NTU  NTU        NTU        NTU        NTU       NTU        NTU        NTU
              Bond (yrs)          Nil        Attachment  Attachment  Nil      Attachment  Nil      Attachment  Nil
              Tenable Period (yrs)  1        1          1          1          1         1          1          1
              Annual Value of Award (S$)  5K  10K       3K         8K         8K        3K         10K        6K

              *26   Eng (Civil, EEE, Mech, Systems, Env), Acc / Biz with Finance Major, Econ / Geog / Psy /   *34 *35
                 Mass Comm, Sc (Comp Eng / IT Security & Comm / Data Analytics)  All Healthcare Scholarships are centrally managed by MOH Holdings, on behalf of the
              *26^ *28^   For each year sponsored, local: 1-year bond, overseas: 1.5-year bond  three public healthcare clusters (National University Health Systems, National Healthcare
              *27 *38^   One year bond for each year sponsored        Group and Singapore Health Services)
              *28   Data / Biz Analytics, Computer Sc / Computing, Math / Stat, Info Sys, IT Security & Comm,   *34^  Diagnostic Radiograph, Dietetics, Med Social Work, Nursing, Occ Therapy, Orthoptics,
                 Econ                                                 Pharm, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Prosthetics & Orthotics, Radiation Therapy, Respiratory
              *29   Political Sc, Int Relations, MassComm, Public Relations, Journalism, Media Studies  Therapy, Speech Therapy
                                                                   *38  Actuarial Studies, Acc / Finance, Biz Ad / Mgt, Eng, Econ, Law, Sc, Stat
                                                                   *41  Acc, Biz, EEE, Info Eng & Media, BioSc Art Design & Media
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