Page 14 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 14
Scholarships and Financial
As a fulltime undergraduate, the Ministry
DESERVES A of Education offers the MOE Tuition Grant
CHANCE TO Scheme to assist with education costs.
Available to citizens, permanent residents and
PURSUE A TERTIARY international student enrolled in a fulltime
degree programme.
EDUCATION. The tuition grant can be utilised at NUS, NTU,
Many universities offer various fi nancial for the full duration with the credits required
assistance schemes to empower each for graduation. However, if this is your second
student on their academic journey. A tertiary degree – the fees will be non-subsidised.
education is increasingly important for career
prospects and it is strongly recommended
to further your studies beyond secondary Part-time degree holders from SUSS who
school. However, it is understandable that have already received a subsidy to complete
not everyone can afford a tertiary education their fi rst undergrad degree will be eligible
easily without getting into heavy debt. for a pro-rated tuition grant as long as they
have not already received MOE’s subsidy at a
However, it is understandable that not higher qualifi cation level (i.e. post-graduate or
everyone can afford a tertiary education masters).
easily without getting into heavy debt.
According to SIT, 2 in 5 students pay for SCHOLARSHIPS
their tuition fees via a loan scheme and at Aside from university specifi c scholarships,
least 50% of students receive a bursary or there are many external scholarships that are
scholarship to complete their studies. With donor-supported and most importantly, bond-
over 300 scholarships and fi nancial assistance free. This will allow the applicant freedom to
schemes available, furthering your education pursue other opportunities without worrying
is not out of reach. about loan repayment due to noncompliance.
Depending on your university’s partnerships,
several donor scholarships such as Rotary
Club of Bugis Junction Scholarship, Kewalram
Chanrai Group Scholarship and KKH
Scholarship, are completely bond-free.
There are also scholarships administered by
an MOE- Appointed Secretariat Offi ce like
the Lee Kuan Yew- STEP Award, Lee Hsien
Loong Award, and the University Engineering