Page 17 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 17

RYAN KWOK                                            15

   Smart Nation Scholarship

               "Singapore is already an attractive

             target for cyber-attacks, and I want

                  to do my part in defending the

             information we hold in our nation. "

            What was your fi rst                In your opinion, what is your        Smart Nation Scholarship
            experience in the fi eld of tech?   key strength that helped you         Ryan Kwok
            Were there any memorable           land the scholarship?
            moments you would like to          Passion. I am driven by a thirst to learn and a   Age
            share?                             passion to keep improving myself. I signed up
            To be honest, my fi rst exposure to computing   for more courses to expand my knowledge   Attained
                                               and understanding of cybersecurity.
            / cybersecurity was from watching Mr.                                   A Levels
            Robot. The show had made hacking look
            really cool, and spurred me to explore more   What do you hope to achieve   Now
            into coding. I had fi rst learnt Ruby through   in your career in the public   Bachelor of Computing in Information Security
            a coding course conducted by Singapore                                  (Enrolling in 2020),
            Management University, which made me   service in contributing to       National University of Singapore
            realise how much I had enjoyed the logic   Singapore’s progress towards
            involved in coding.                a Smart Nation?                      From
            My most memorable moment was a mobile                                   Raffl es Junior College
            app making course that I had attended,    I wish to be able to contribute to Singapore’s
            where I created an app to help me with my   cyber defence the best I can. With the   Ryan will be joining Cyber Security
            hobby, sailing race management.  Being able   changing  technological  landscape  in  Agency of Singapore (CSA) upon
                                               Singapore, the next biggest defence system
            to identify a practical problem, design a tech   has to be focused on the digital world.   completion of his studies.
            solution, and use coding logic to solve it, was
            the thing that made me realise that tech is   Singapore is already an attractive target for
            the fi eld I wanted to be in.       cyber-attacks, and I want to do my part in
                                               defending the information we hold in our
            What attracted you to
            apply to the Smart Nation          Any advice for your peers who
            Scholarship?                       are looking to apply for the
            One thing that appealed to me was the   scholarship?
            hacking scenes from the Smart Nation   Don’t ever feel like you’re not good enough.
            Scholarship video advertisement. I realised   You don't have to be the next Einstein. Just
            that this scholarship would give me an   possessing the knowledge will also not carry
            opportunity to further explore my interest in   you far in your career. Instead, be proud of
            cybersecurity with the Cyber Security Agency   your passion and wear it on your sleeves.
            of Singapore. I believe that the scholarship   People will see and admire the fi re in your
            will give me a good platform to  fi nd  my   heart and hunger to learn. Just be yourself,
            path in this career while also enabling me   and that’s really all that matters.
            to contribute to something that is bigger
            than any start-ups or companies. Being
            able to make a difference in the society we
            live in while Singapore transits into a digital
            environment will help me further appreciate
            and enjoy the work that I would do.
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