Page 20 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 20

18                                     SCHOLAR’S PROFILE

          Improving Lives with Technology

          Even among his diverse            of making Singapore a better place for all.   was amazed by the potential of a computer in
          interests, including being        Among his accomplishments, Penn Han was   its automation capabilities from just several
                                            also the Maris Stella High School's Student
                                                                              lines of code. Through these experiences, I
          skilled in archery and            Council President and Captain of Nanyang   grew increasingly interested in this fi eld.
          basketball, Penn Han’s aptitude   Junior College Dragon Boat Team.
          for computers was evident                                           How did you hear about the
          since his schooling days. He      What was your fi rst               Smart Nation Scholarship, and
          used his beloved MacBook          experience in the fi eld of tech   what attracted you to apply?
          extensively in class, from        and what attracted you to the     I heard about the Smart Nation Scholarship
          video editing, to producing       fi eld?                            from a friend and found out more through the
          soundtracks, to creating 3D       I was one of the pioneer batches of students   BrightSparks website. I read up on the Smart
                                                                              Nation initiative and the three government
          architectural models.             to be enrolled in the Maris Stella High   statutory boards involved while applying for
                                            School 1:1 Learning Programme, where we
                                            were equipped with personal Macbooks   the scholarship and felt that the scholarship
          It was thus natural that his passion directed   to participate in tech-based learning. This   was aligned with my personal motivation.
          him to learn more about the technicalities   gave me many opportunities to create media
          of programming, and to customise his   content such as videos and soundtracks and   Throughout my education journey, I have
          own computer programs. Enrolling in a   even build 3D Architectural models. This   held leadership positions where I served
          Data Science course, Penn Han improved   exposure piqued my interest in technology   my student community. Therefore, social
          his understanding of data analytics for   and the technical functions behind such   contribution has always been a consideration
          business and further affi rmed his passion in   systems.             in the work that I do. In addition, being
          technology. He is a fi rm believer in leveraging                     personally intrigued by the capabilities of
          on technology to make an impact on the   After completing my National Service, I   computing, I was convinced that we could
          community, and hopes to champion and lead   enrolled into a Data Science course through   leverage on technology to better the lives
          Smart Nation initiatives, to realise his dream   the CITREP+ programme under the   of society and the economy by providing
                                            TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) initiative and   convenience through automation.
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