Page 22 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 22

20                                     SCHOLAR’S PROFILE

         Changing The World With


          AS THE CONSUMPTION OF FOSSIL                                        Why did you choose the

          FUELS GROWS WORLDWIDE, THE NEED                                     scholarship?
                                                                              I have always been keen to join the energy
          FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES                                      industry. Keeping abreast of developments
                                                                              all around the world, one thing was clear
          NEED TO BE EXPLORED. MR JESSE RAJ                                   to me: the demand for energy is growing
                                                                              exponentially. This prompted me to look
          ESPINOSO PANDIAN RISES TO THE                                       at organisations whose work have a direct
                                                                              positive impact on the environment and
          CHALLENGE WITH THE SEMBCORP                                         through research, I found that Sembcorp
                                                                              emerged as a leader in the energy industry
          SCHOLARSHIP                                                         who is also committed to enable a low-carbon
                                                                              economy. Given the projection of energy
                                                                              growth and how diversifi ed the business is,
                                                                              I felt that this is a place where there will be
         The Sembcorp Scholarship is about developing talented individuals into future leaders who
         want to use their energy to be a force for good. Sembcorp’s purpose and passion is to do good   plenty of opportunities for me to learn and
         and create sustainable future.                                       grow my career. I knew then that I wanted to
                                                                              be a part of this team.

                                                                              Would you advise others to
                                                                              take up a scholarship?
                                                                              Of course! The scholarship helped to alleviate
                                                                              my  fi nancial concerns and provided me
                                                                              with a stable opportunity to be part of the
                                                                              organisation upon graduation. All these
                                                                              factors encouraged me to fully entrench
                                                                              myself into learning and to further develop
                                                                              my passion for the renewable energy sector.
                                                                              Having said that, the primary motivation for
                                                                              taking up a scholarship should not be limited
                                                                              to the benefi ts that it provides. The driving
                                                                              motivation should be your passion for the
                                                                              industry and if you believe in the vision of the

                                                                              What made you decide to
                                                                              choose your course in your
                                                                              I personally believe that Mechanical
                                                                              Engineering is at the heart of most
                                                                              engineering specialisations. This course
                                                                              provided me with exposure to various
                                                                              engineering specialisations while enabling me
                                                                              to develop a versatile technical background.
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