Page 18 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 18

16                                     SCHOLAR’S PROFILE

          Enabling People Using Data and Technology

          Jia Yi dabbled in tech at the
          age of 10, where she was                "As someone with a strong
          actively doing blog skins using
          HTML. It fascinated her that             interest in technology and
          codes can generate colourful
          and useful visuals.
                                                   passionate about creating
          Her early tinkering with tech increased
          knowledge of coding from scratch. She was  something to bring convenience
          her curiosity and inspired her thirst for
          a gamer too, and knew that tech was the
          path. She wanted to create her own game.   to others, I knew that this
          Another motivation was her sister, whom
          she shared a close relationship with. Her
          sister infl uenced her to embark on a poly   scholarship was the one for me."
          route to pursue her studies in tech. Jia Yi
          aspires to create a product to help people by
          bringing them convenience.
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