Page 21 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 21

LEE PENN HAN                                          19

             "I hope to be involved in nation-

             wide initiatives that will prepare

             our society for the technological

                       transformation that is                                       Smart Nation Scholarship

              progressively taking over major                                       Lee Penn Han

                         aspects of our lives."                                     Age

                                                                                    A Levels

                                                                                    First Year at National University of Singapore,
            In your opinion, what is your      What do you hope to achieve          Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science)
            key strength that helped you       in your career in the public         From
            land the scholarship?              service in contributing to           Nanyang Junior College
            While I have previously received some   Singapore’s progress towards
            training in public speaking and interview   a Smart Nation?             Penn Han will be joining Infocomm
            skills, what really enabled me to be at my                              Media Development Authority (IMDA)
            best was the preparation that I had done   In  light  of  Singapore’s  changing  upon completion of his studies.
            before attending the interviews. I invested   demographics, I hope to be involved in
            time to research on the various schemes and   nation-wide initiatives that will prepare our
            formed opinions about them, which in turn   society for the technological transformation
            allowed me to speak about them and convey   that is progressively taking over major
            my interest during the interviews.   aspects of our lives. This will allow us to steel
                                               ourselves against any disruptions while we
                                               continue to build on technology for better
            Another key strength was my ability to   solutions.
            stay composed in uncomfortable situations.
            Presentations and interviews are always
            nerve-wrecking, and I knew that losing my   Any advice for your peers who
            composure then would result in a worse   are looking to apply for the
            situation. Hence, I relied on my preparations
            whenever I felt anxious and was able   scholarship?
            to maintain confi dence and successfully   A word of advice is to know what you are
            showcase my best self.             getting into. The Smart Nation scholarship is
                                               a promise towards our society and recipients
                                               must stay committed towards it.

                                               If you believe in what the Smart Nation
                                               initiative is hoping to achieve, then I strongly
                                               encourage you to step forward!
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