Page 24 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 24
What do you think set you How have you been able to use
apart from the rest of the what you learned in school for
candidates applying for the your job?
scholarship? Yes I have. While the technical knowledge I
Having a clear understanding of the industry have acquired in school plays an important
that you are interested in will certainly help role in my day-to-day work, I found that the
to demonstrate your commitment to the time management skills that I have gained
scholarship provider. I shared my views on in school juggling multiple projects is more
energy industry trends and vocalised how I invaluable.
saw myself contributing to the company.
My advice is to not limit yourselves in
Have your views changed school to just completing the academic
curriculum. Go out and participate in all the
once you stepped out into the clubs, societies and sports activities that the Sembcorp Scholarship
working world? school has to offer. Enjoy yourselves in these Jesse Raj Espinosa Pandian
Defi nitely. The stress is more real given that activities and in the meantime, seize upon the
opportunity to grow by and managing your
whatever I am doing has a direct impact on time and priorities. Age
the world. In school, we learn about theory 26
and applications, but when you are working, What kinds of career and
you always encounter situations that are not
“ceteris paribus”. In addition, there are plenty personal development Attained
of moving parts and different stakeholders opportunities does the Mechanical Engineering,
and opinions which I need to take into Nanyang Technological University
account when making decisions. organisation provide its
How are you enjoying your In Sembcorp, scholars are part of this Now
time at the company? networking group where one can learn from Project Engineer, Commercial-Solar
The challenges of working on projects are other scholars about the different business
units in the company. When it comes to
thrilling especially when you get to work with personal development, Sembcorp gives From
different stakeholders. Being exposed to the all its employees opportunities to develop Nanyang Polytechnic
various phases of a project has also allowed themselves adding value to themselves and
me to have a fuller understanding on product the company. Mr Jesse Raj Espinosa Pandian, while
life cycle development before it reaches the
end-user. studying for a Mechanical Engineering
Did you use your scholarship to degree at NTU, took up several
Furthermore, I am in the solar industry and go abroad? internship positions at Sembcorp to
the excitement surrounding energies of the The Sembcorp scholarship gives recipients familiarise himself with the
future is palpable. This is where Sembcorp the opportunity to go for overseas exchange organisation. His internships included
Solar is continually working to develop new programs. While I did not take this up, I took
and innovative solutions to help capture more the opportunity to be attached to Sembcorp’s stints at Sembcorp’s cogeneration plant
value in the renewables space. wind and solar business units in India during in Jurong Island. They even took him to
my summer break. Sembcorp’s country offi ce in India,
What are the most challenging where he travelled around various
responsibilities you have and Being exposed to a different culture and states to work at the different wind
how do you cope with them? working styles in India is indeed eye-opening. and solar farms.
I was particularly encouraged seeing how
As a project engineer, I am accountable for cohesively the company operated both locally
following up on the process workfl ows and and overseas.
for decisions to advance the progress of the
project. The challenge comes when I need to If you ever have the opportunity to be
make a judgment call that could result either attached overseas for work, do not miss it out
in a positive or not-so positive outcome. To because it is an amazing learning experience
cope with such pressures, it is important for that takes you out of your comfort zone.
me to seek counsel from colleagues and/or
consultants so that they can provide different
viewpoints which would in turn, help me to
make an informed decision.