Page 25 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 25

ARTICLE                                            23

            How To Cope

            With Failure And


                                                                AH THE HARD ‘NO,’ IT’S

                                                                NEVER A PLEASANT THING

                                                                TO HEAR. THE WORD ‘NO’

                                                                QUITE OFTEN IMPLIES
                                                                REJECTION AND FAILURE.

                                                                APPLYING FOR JOBS IS

                                                                ALWAYS A TRICKY AND TIME
                                                                CONSUMING PROCESS – ONE

                                                                CAN SAY THAT LOOKING FOR

                                                                A JOB, IS A FULL TIME JOB.

                                                                With technological advances and social media platforms such as
                                                                Linkedin, applying for multiple jobs per day is as easy as a click.
                                                                However, rejection or worse complete radio-silence from a potential
                                                                employer can be crushing to a fresh graduate looking for a job.
                                                                Do not fret, even the most successful business man has had soul-
                                                                crushing rejections in his time. Just look at Steve Jobs before Apple
                                                                became the globally recognised brand it is. No one ever said it was
                                                                going to be easy, but pick yourself up and try, try again.
                                                                Keep at it, and learn from each ordeal to better yourself for the next
                                                                round.  Here are some tips on getting over a failed interview:
                                                                  Asking for feedback
                                                                1 Usually, if you do get a rejection email or phone call. Collect your
                                                                thoughts and be thick-skinned enough to ask why you were not
                                                                selected and what the successful applicant had that you did not.  Most
                                                                employers usually give a modicum of reasoning however, if they view
                                                                HR processes as private and confi dential- don’t take it to heart if they
                                                                do not respond.
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