Page 19 - Scholarship Guide Feb 2020
P. 19

GOH JIA YI                                          17

              "My advice is to stay curious, be

               confi dent and to trust yourself.

                 You may be the hidden gem

                    waiting to be discovered."

                                                                                    Smart Nation Scholarship
            What was your fi rst                In your opinion, what is your        Goh Jia Yi
            experience in the fi eld of tech    key strength that helped you         Age
            and what attracted you to the      land the scholarship?                21
            fi eld?                             I feel that my passion for technology as well   Attained
            I believe my interest in tech can be attributed   as confi dence shone through during the   Diploma in Financial Informatics
            to my early exposure to coding and computer   interview process. Being able to convey my
            games. I decided to pursue my interest in   strong interest in technology and express my   Now
            tech after chancing upon the then newly-  thoughts clearly allowed the interviewers to   Second Year at National University of Singapore
            launched Smart Nation Initiative after my O   know me better, and assess that I possessed   majoring in Business Analytics
            levels.                            the qualities that they were looking out for.
            During that time, data from government   What do you hope to achieve    Singapore Polytechnic
            sources became more accessible to the public   in your career in the public
            through platforms such as and
            SingStat. Out of curiosity, I downloaded   service in contributing to   Jia Yi will be joining Government
            some available datasets and attempted to   Singapore’s progress towards   Technology Agency (GovTech) upon
            build visualisations with basic chart features   a Smart Nation?        completion of her studies.
            available on Excel. That experience allowed
            me to witness the power of analytics   There are many meaningful ongoing projects
            fi rst-hand. With analytics, we are able to   in GovTech, and I hope to be part of this
            generate insights to identify existing market   process by applying my analytical skills in
            gaps and to innovate products that may   creating and improving products that can
            transform Singaporeans’ day-to-day life.   help to enhance Singaporeans’ lives.
            With that in mind, I was motivated to pursue
            data analytics with a Diploma in Financial   Particularly for an aging population, I hope
            Informatics at Singapore Polytechnic.  to be able to create a fully-enabled IoT
                                               home for individuals with mobility problems.
            How did you hear about the         More elderlies will require around-the-clock
                                               assistance from caregivers to move around at
            Smart Nation Scholarship, and      home, and technology can help to ease the
            what attracted you to apply?       workload on caregivers and allow elderlies to
            I came across the Smart Nation Scholarship   have more freedom in their daily lives.
            website while searching for scholarships
            online. As someone with a strong interest   Any advice for your peers who
            in technology and passionate about creating   are looking to apply for the
            something to bring convenience to others, I
            knew that this scholarship was the one for   scholarship?
            me.                                My advice is to stay curious, be confi dent and
                                               to trust yourself. You may be the hidden gem
            Furthermore, with the support of GovTech   waiting to be discovered.
            bringing  networking  and  mentorship
            opportunities within my reach, I know that
            I will have a defi ning university experience.
            These factors have attracted me to apply for
            the scholarship.
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